Among the many Bible quotations and passages of the Word of God, from the book of Psalms, Psalm 104 is a beautiful canticle to the divine plan and work of God's creation. “Thou dost cause the grass to grow for the cattle, and plants for man to cultivate. . . . Thou hast made the moon to mark the seasons; the sun knows its time for setting. . . . O LORD, how manifold are thy works! In wisdom hast thou made them all; the earth is full of thy creatures” (vv. 14, 19, 24).
The saints, also, in their love of God, and in their practice of piety and joyful thanksgiving, learned to recognize the beauty of God in all of his works, as His continuous manifestation of His loving presence amongst us.
One such quote, from Saint Paul of the Cross, seeing beautiful flowers and exclaiming:
Let everything in creation draw you to God. Refresh your mind with some innocent recreation and needful rest, if it were only to saunter through the garden or the fields, listening to the sermon preached by the flowers, the trees, the meadows, the sun, the sky, and the whole universe. You will find that they exhort you to love and praise God; that they excite you to extol the greatness of the Sovereign Architect Who has given them their being.
Listen to the sermon preached to you by the flowers, the trees, the shrubs, the sky, and the whole world. Notice how they preach to you a sermon full of love, of praise of God, and how they invite you to glorify the sublimity of that sovereign Artist who has given them being.
Beautiful quote by St Paul of The Cross